Saturday, 31 July 2010

Sheffield cont...

Whipper Snapper
Big Bank.
Chuck 'your bars' Norris
Ghetto Park.
D Wank.

Blogging Blind.

Office Blinds b e a utiful.

Gringley On The Hill

Garage,  Carboot flash.
Peg Leg.   
When my carbooting career failed one of the best things to come from it was finding ridiculously cheap cameras and flashes these are 2 shots using the flash in question.

Photos Below.

Some are far to dark and the colour is just to spice up your life , they are all pretty much how the camera spat them out.
Tailwhip Dev Green.
Bar Spin Dev Green.
Colour of Money. Footjam whip Dev Green.
Bikes & Bags.
Wall Ride Sheffield City Center.
Bar Spin Travelodge.
Playing with Traffic Barspin.
Who Needs Skateparks when you have Concrete. Footjam whip.
Boost Tobogan Dev Green.

First ever blog post. Sheffield.

I have had a mint day shooting lads that can do things with bmx bikes I only dreamed of when I was 16, finding a ghetto park was bloody brilliant, instead of trying to ride my bike again which the intention at the start of the day, I found myself on my knees with a turkish marlboro in one hand and a knackered nikon in the other. The best part of the day was being rammed in to the back of an astra van with my feet in my mouth looking at the days photos. All in all a good day even if i didnt ride my bike. Photos will be up shortly.